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We can't get enough of these two exotic ladies in the latest page of Entangled!  Those pirates really have it in for them!  Avast me hearties, and all that!

We'll be streaming a little bit today, can't say if it'll be all day, cause we have to get ready for the weekend, and so far as I can tell, we're nearly done on the Sketches / Commissions for the month!  Maybe we'll even get to schedule that post sometime over the weekend for y'all!  meantime, stay tuned, and stay devious!





Those smiles in the first panel are great! I like how Zee starts to go along with it then Nilly just takes all the fun :P They might have to stash her somewhere before their next adventure; she may even enjoy it.


I like how the players are getting into it


Having the player dialogue adds a great dimension to the scene. Fun stuff!