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Newest page of BOUND is live! Poor Miri can't catch a break this morning, but maybe her day will turn around before the end(?)  Only time will tell!

Friendly reminder to the 25+ crowd to get your sketch submissions and reminders in soon! The cutoff date is now the 15th of the month!  Till next time, stay devious!





If by "swaddled" she means wrapped her up with tape and rope from head to toe then sure :P Loving the shots of Mira in the second and last panels.


haha, interesting choice of words by Mira. She must be either: incredible forgiving, in for the long con, or in love with ash. Or realize that she brought this on herself. But that's not gonna stop her anytime soon tho. hehe Anyway, great update sneak! I love the back and forth between them, you can tell they've been friends for awhile.