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We continue our story with page 2!  Scheming abounds, but where will it lead?  Only time will tell!

We have to take the morning off from streaming, due to complications from back pain.  Hopefully, we'll feel a bit better this afternoon, but if we have to get sketches done over the weekend, that's what has to happen!  Apologies for the delay, those who are still patiently waiting for their commissions, I will get to you when my body allows!  Till next time, stay devious!





Take care of yourself. No sense exacerbating the pain.


On another note, this makes the chapter very interesting. A bad guy gave Ash a promotion, and Kit herself, needs to make sure Ash is working alone while speaking as though she knows Ash. They can't be happy to see an enemy agent with houdini lvl escape skills and martial prowess to fight 2 agents at once, so it almost looks like they're talent scouting Ash to remove her from the equation and advance her career in a way BOUND hasn't? Whatever she needs to show up to seems to be of Kat's design; she can't be excited to go back to work knowing she likely lost a promotion or even her job.


Take your time, hope you feel better.


Come join the dark side, we have healthcare


well it seems like a nice moral dilemma for Ash. Does she care more about her career and having her skills appreciated or does she care about what she's doing as a part of BOUND no matter how small her role is like Miranda seems to. Among all the mean girl comments, I think Mizuki called her out on this.


How moral is she tho? Cuz she seems pretty amoral. what are her thoughts on law or right and wrong?


She seems more selfish, than amoral and more concerned about what she gets out of what she does than how the people she helps benefits. Though doubt she doesn't care at all. For example, I don't see Ash being tempted at all to join the bad guys and start kidnapping women, but I could see her tempted to be more like Katherine. Back in the lair, Kat said she didn't really care how the villains' profits got affected; she only cared about the task she was being paid to take care of. Despite working for them her only real loyalty may be to herself which is another trait Ash shows to a lesser extent. It could lead to some interesting character development where Miranda is someone close who pulls on Ash's conscience while Kat can act as the devil on her shoulder. Instead of waiting for what she wants to be graciously handed to her Ash may be far more tempted to just take what she wants (like the majestic honey badger). It's certainly a better call to the dark side than Rey got in the TLJ :P