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Back in the saddle for a new week of kink and smut, ladies and gents!  We've arrived - at long last - at our fifth page of Entangled, but not just that, oh no sir!  We've arrived at our first official voter page!  As a comic, Entangled is crafted by design to be a Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) comic!  Every so often, the direction of the comic will come to a fork in the road, directed entirely by you!  These forks may be small (like this one), or they may also be major plot points that alter the very chapter I make (and you read)!

For this first "fork" (pun intended, you'll see what I mean), the Captain of the Sea Wench has a conundrum!  He doesn't quite know which of his "booty" he'd like to plunder first!  While we can certainly promise that every heroine in our story will have their moment in the spotlight, you choose who's front-and-center first!  Will it be Ros, the fiery red-headed barbarian, Zee, the demonic blue-skinned warlock, or Nilly, the feisty blonde bard? Vote below! Your choices will dictate the story from here on out! (and don't worry, we haven't forgotten about Vyra...She'll get what's coming to her soon enough!)

Till next time, stay devious!





Tough choice, but I have a weakness for strong, busty, red-heads


This is a tough choice. Whoever wins may lose their awesome otm gag first :P decisions...