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So, we got some very interesting feedback from the polls last month, and while we are more than happy to give the fans the things they want, I just had this inkling in the back of my mind that we had one option too many when it came to the Comic Shorts polling data.  Splitting the shorts (ha) into several franchises per month sounded like an intriguing idea at the time, but the more thought I give it, the more I realize it might be stretching us a little too thin.

Normally, I wouldn't second guess the community on polling situations like this, but the data from the options clearly shows that - given only two options instead of one - the results may have turned out differently.  I certainly hope I'm not showing bias any which way by asking for a second poll from you guys, I certainly don't mind continuing Restricted, and there's no guarantee - based on the previous data - that it even will be picked!  I simply want to find out if - not given the option to split the franchises - would you have ruled differently?

Sound off in the poll below (and in the comments, if you feel so inclined to share your personal thoughts!) and we'll meet back up in 48 hours to get the actual Shorts poll up!  Stay devious!



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