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And thus, we come to the end of chapter 2 in the BOUND series!  I suppose all's well that ends....on a vaguely suggestive note, but still well!    We'll be taking the next month to work on drafting out the third chapter, but in the meantime, you'll still get some BOUND goodness in the form of a fancy-shmancy cover page and interior foreword to Chapter 2, as well as an extra Entangled page, for those in the 10+ tiers!  Thanks so much to everyone who has and continues to support this page and all its creations!  We can't wait to show you what we've got in store this year!  Till then, stay devious!





Great update, I love the verity of emotions and expression in this. Ash looks rather playful in this. I feel a little bad for Miri, Defiantly not how she saw the night going. Hopfully she gets to have some "fun" still. I'm surprised how okay Ash is with the idea. "You were trying to have your way with me, not totally against the idea. Just needs to be on my terms"


Can't wait for the next escapade! 8D Seems like both Ashlee and Miranda enjoy the games for the same reason. Sadly, only one of them gets to be on top. Can't help but root for the latter though, given how much she relishes shutting Ashlee up with copious amounts of tape. This tease is almost as tantalizingly cruel as that crotch rope must be for Mira. Builds some nice anticipation for round 3 though :P


Hell of a fun tease to end this chapter on. Begs all kinds of fun questions, and here's looking forward to seeing where this comic goes from here! :D


I gotta say now that I got a chance to read these pages all the way through this was a great chapter. The varied expressions as well as the little details really helps with the "tell a story without words" approach. Really like that there's no needless dialogue to pinpoint what a characters thinking or feeling. The switching between locations gives a nice illusion time passed and doesn't make the comic feel rushed despite being only 24 pages, even if one wishes it was a little longer :P It'll be worth the wait to see Miranda win her "prize". Just comparing the panels where Miranda gets gagged in ch1 and Ash's on screen gagging shows how much you've improved in a year.