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We continue - this month - with the second page of our high-fantasy bondage adventure, Entangled!  As is the curse of all smut comics (but not the curse talked about here), some assembly is required! Assembly, in this case, being the setup that leads to the glorious smut you've been waiting for!  Rest assured that the story makes it all the sweeter, just take a look at our other comic selections!

We could, of course, speed up that process with higher tier rewards, of course.  We'll have to see which way the tide turns in the coming year!  Until then, and next week, when we return to the wizarding world, stay devious!





Nice try sneaky pirate man. I remember the masthead from page 1 :P How else will they sell their booty if they never dock? On another note, the juxtaposition between the dialogue's nonchalant tone and the atmosphere makes for some nice suspense.


Hmm, so they're need to take a dingy to get to shore because the Pirates don't want to go ashore. I'm guess the Pirates will be turning around, so they need to find a way back to the mainland. Well, here's hoping they can. I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes. I like how you separate the dialogue between the player and the character. Letting you know who is who. and how they feel separately.


I just love this party barbarian gal :)