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Greetings once again Captors, and thanks much for your patience with last week's absence! We're back and raring to go on this, the deadliest of gag-busts thus far! This week, we're looking at Katarina, a staple champion from League of Legends! Send me your requests on how to properly gag this vicious vixen, and we'll see what's cooked up at the end of the week! Till next time, Captors!




Deadliest, eh? Based on her outfit, I'm thinking she needs a nice, matching leather panel-gag, perhaps with a built in ball or ring... Keep her from biting and match that armor!


Damn, she looks scarry o_O I agree with Aidenke, but we need a DEMACIA writing on the panel-gag :-D


If she's deadly, then a sink plug type gag might be the best way to go. That way she can be fed but you never have to risk ungagging her!