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Welcome back to the show, boys n' girls!  We've got this month's  BOUND pages, hot off the presses, for your viewing pleasure!  Looks like Mira's got some fun plans in store for Ash!  Could this be sweet, sweet revenge for last time?  Will Ash get reverse revenge?  Only time will tell!  Stay devious!





Ha! this came out great! I vote Miranda get's her revenge. This is a fun side to the character. I also hope that is a brand new roll of tape to be used :P


Oh dear, things have taken a turn. Miranda has a little Domme side she's been hiding. I'm looking forward to seeing what she has in mind. Fun times ahead!


Clearly a strip-search is needed to find hidden tools... ~_^


A small request : Might you consider adding more descriptive file names to the content you post? The names you use are a bit generic & easily get "lost" in my 'Downloads' directory. Thank you for your consideration! :-)


Actually, I'm liking the strip search idea. I thought it would be weird after already restraining Ash, but it really adds to Miranda's dominant side that Miranda can do whatever she wants rather than Ash politely stripping. Plus without all those clothes, that tape will stick nicely. It's also nice to see a different side to Miranda than being the meek sidekick. Makes the character more interesting to watch. Though I certainly wouldn't mind seeing her wrapped from head to toe in tape by the end of the chapter :P


Agreed, it's really cool to see this side of Mirada.


just hoping it's a total strip search rather than Ash's clothes hanging off her like a banana peel,lol. I mean tape can easily be cut and reapplied. :p


I have a feeling that Miranda is just screwing with Ash on "having" to give the mission to the duo. Part of her revenge is making sure Ash can't get out for leaving her before. Now that's she'll be helpless, playing some mind games so she can't think straight. Miranda was given an opportunity and she's going for it. Plus, I also have a feeling that Miranda has been wanting to do this with Ash for a while. Even before previous events. Or I could be wrong.


Also, I've said it before but again I love the expression work you do. Especially in these chapters. The look on Ash's face is something I don't think we've seen before. I guess concern or"oh shit" like she might be a bit over her head. I love that, because it the polar opposite of how she normally is. I love the contrast. I feel like there was a great build up to this moment.


Fun fact: Assuming you're using Google to view the page, you can set your browser to ask you each time you download something. Just go to Google Settings > Advanced Options > Downloads > Tick the box that says "Ask where to save each file before downloading"


Lol, ya gotta be careful, when you trick a master escapist into revenge, sometimes ya can't be too careful. Don't worry though, I have a few things in store for the end of the chapter I think you'll enjoy ;)


On a weird personal note, seeing them both in the teaser box, and then seeing them above in the page banner, it's crazy how much of a visual update they've received in two years :P I think I have to redo the banner after this year XD


lol,As long as Ash is on the receiving end of every trick Miranda can think of (and every roll of tape she's hiding). It'd be weird to end it on the same note as the first chapter, and IMO a step back for Miranda. Like Kou said below,It was great seeing the role reversal, and right now Ash gives off a sense she's untouchable(perfect escape artist). Time for the sidekick to lay out a few ground rules after Ash just assumed Miranda would just go along for the ride. :P


Thank you for this clever browser config suggestion.


Hehehe, fun times ahead 💜 I love role reversal situations