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  Alright guys, so we had some fun with our teifling girl, Zee, last month, and we've got a selection of three remaining ladies to complete this quadtych!  We need your help though! I like all of the remaining ones, and I need a boost in figuring out which one to finish this week!  I'll provide detailed descriptions of the girls in their respective bracket!   Don't forget to check out the attached image to see what each pic will look like when done!

Keep in mind, this has to be done this week, so we're only doing a vote till I start working tomorrow!  That gives everyone less than 24 hours to get a choice in!  Choose wisely!  Cause....well, they're all gonna get done anyway, so choose poorly if ya want!  It's all good here!  Stay devious!  




Jacob Schneider

I like all of these too! Such a hard choice!


Alright, at the time I’m reading this, I’m seeing Ros pull just ahead by about 3 votes, so we’re going to be working on her this month! I’ve got some errands to run most of the AM today, so we might get a later start than usual, but we’ll be online to do lines this afternoon, guaranteed!


Missed out on the voting, but I'm anxious to see the finished piece with all 4 together.