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At long last, as if by some kind of 4th of July gift unto the peoples of the world, do we solemnly deliver on June's promised Sketch Series!  What's that?  It's July?.....I got nothin'...

It's true, we've been falling behind, but hopefully the smorgasbord of pics contained within will remedy that a bit!  We're gonna try to tackle projects a bit differently this month, so hopefully it should free up some space for the next series to arrive in the same month!  Either way, stay patient, and stay devious!

EDIT: Sorry, folks!  Looks like the download didn't actually save when I attached it originally, should be good now!  Enjoy!





The attachment is missing


The attachment is something to look forward to! :P


Am I the only one who finds it ironic that an artist who loves bondage & kidnapping themes is giving us a gift on Independence Day? =P (Assuming we get an attachment on this post... xD)


I suspect that Sneak is just teasing us at this point...


Having played through HZD and getting the measure of what sort of person Vanasha is, I can well see her doing that to Aloy given the opportunity xD *sighs wistfully at the mental image*


That's pretty much the same thought I had. There're a few girls in there that would be keen to thank Aloy or at least make sure she has a good night or two for all the work she does. :P


indeed. That'd be the best DLC; just Aloy getting gangbanged by all the thankful girls she's helped out xD

Second of Many

Lots of great ones this month. Love the coloured threesome one, and the Aloy one. But ,y favourite may be the college surprise. Fantastic


The Horizon Zero Dawn piece is awesome! Always loved those two ^^