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And our short story featuring Hermione comes to a close!  Will she ultimately survive this devious and sexy encounter with the lust-demon?  Please, would it be a Sneaky comic if we told you everything all at once!?  Live and learn, my friends, and then vote for the next comic short!  We'll have that up next week, as we're still trying to nail down the final options for the polls.  If you guys have any ideas of your own, sound off in the comments below!  Right now, we have a few options:

- Continuing the HP demon story (of course)

- A Star Wars idea with Rey

- A Fantasy idea involving my new OC's

Any other ideas you guys want to throw into the mix will be greatly appreciated, and possibly considered!  In the meantime, enjoy your temporary finale to this arc, and stay devious!





I vote for the Fantasy story with your new OCs.


More Restricted! :D


I'm torn. I'd like it if any of the 3 options won, but I'll spitball a few ideas. Commander Shepard getting captured on Omega either by thugs or drugged at the bar, Anne Hathaway's catwoman from the dark knight, Chloe Frazer from uncharted, Would've gone with Lara Croft instead of Chloe, but she's won enough times on here :P


Love to see the current idea continue. Like to see where this goes next...


I'd like to see something different added to the Shorts portfolio to have some initial variety and then perhaps we could see the 2nd chapter of Restricted sometime later down the line! Sci-fi would be definitely awesome but I'm not a massive fan of the latest Star Wars to be honest. The Mass Effect idea is definitely intriguing! Super-heroine comic could work very well too and I trust you, Sneak, that you're able to make OC fantasy totally amazing as well! To toss in a couple of ideas, I would personally love to see Warcraft or Witcher short comic and generally some girl on girl action.


More Restricted, without a doubt. Though Rey idea is my second choice.


I'm more interested in seeing your Fantasy series and characters. Always loved original content


The current one although Rey does sound intriguing


restricted followed a distance second in the star wars choice

Marx Chase

HP Demon story. >:)


Quite the fun little cliffhanger ending. No harm in trying a new idea, then coming back to continue this tale in a few months too!


Loved the story! Amazing work. As far as where to go to next, being the Star Wars fan that I am, Rey's going to get my vote. And given Kitty's recent appearance, I think an X-Men themed story could be interesting too. But yeah, Rey gets my top vote.


Never said it in the other posts, but you really nailed getting the tape to match the contours of the face/mouth.