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Welcome to the new week, Captors! Another day, another damsel - that's what I always say! (Or it would be, if I said something all the time!) This week's damsel is Hermione Granger! She's got some magical prowess, for sure, but nothing our gags can't handle. Give me some of your preferences below, and we'll see what we can't come up with before the week's out!




For Hermione? Gotta stay in-theme: Golden Snitch in her mouth, held in place by a wrap of clear Spell-o-Tape! Gotta love when a concepts just gives you what you need already, and Hermione would look nice in tape... :)


Agreed, but isn't she kind of a geek? Why not stuff her mouth with some pages of a magic spellbook and hold everything in place with her necktie?


Gonna be pretty tough to top Aidenke's suggestion here. Hogwarts is an old European castle, so in keeping with that, how about a metal scolds mask <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/vaqn4k03owkba8q/115.jpg?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/vaqn4k03owkba8q/115.jpg?dl=0</a> with some glowing runes on the front!


Just came to my mind.... this golden ball thingy is pretty small, isn't it? I doubt it's enough to shut Mrs. Granger up for good.... just saying ^^