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Second voting poll, coming in hot off the trails of the Interrogation room!  We're gonna try our best to keep the holiday hootenanny alive with an Easter pic this month! (Even though we had it on the first, doesn't mean it has to end!)  So this month's pic will be a slightly reduced poll option, cause we're shooting for characters with recognizable bunny costumes/variants!  I'm sure there's plenty others that you folks could've come up with for me, but we work with what we've got! As always, don't forget to check out the rough sketches below to see a sample!

Either way, let's get our vote on, and we'll be back ASAP with a carrot (and maybe chocolate) filled wallpaper for yas!  Until then, stay devious!





I'm ashamed to admit it took me longer than it should have to figure out why you chose Riven's bunny look, lol.


Fran's the best, but there's a lot of LoL fans out there too. Good fun here!