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Back at it again with more BOUND pages!  We return to your regularly scheduled Ashlee program, but how'd she get like this already!? Find out, and we'll return next month with more kinky goodness!  Stay devious!





Dang...she is good!


oh yeaaaaa. More BOUND :D


I already can't wait for next month's pages. Thanks for your hard work


I like the tease, can't wait to see where this goes.


huh..so I'm guessing this was a special test the set up by the boss to highlight a practical skill Ash does possess? I guess in ch1 Ash just passed some preliminary screening but has been failing field tests because of her other flaws. Seems like Ash becoming a field agent kind of undermines the plan she coerced Miranda into being a part of but also gives her access to resources if she decide to do it anyways. I guess it makes sense in a way. She'll "make the team" but be third string and just as impatient as before.