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Story time, folks!  We had a hiccup this morning involving an unexpected power shutoff that cost us over 3 hours worth of work on this month's Bounty Board, and after about an hour of swearing, kicking furniture, and blacking out from unfiltered rage, we've come to the conclusion that this one just isn't gonna happen this month.  

Understandably frustrating as it may seem, I'm taking this opportunity to put forward the plan we started to set in motion over many in-stream discussions we've had with some of you.  You all seem to like comics a lot, and since the Bounty Board is basically just a comic page in disguise, we thought it best to take the opportunity to swap it out for some legitimate comic shorts...

What do I mean by "comic shorts", you ask?  Fleshing out 4-8 page mini-comics that tell of separate stories from start to finish.  These stories, separate from the BOUND comic we already run for the 5 tier, would be more in nature with the smuttiness you already find here in the 10 tier, with lewdness and kinkiness combined in a frenzy of ravenous, bondage-themed sexcapades.

Which brings us to which comics we plan to work on, since they won't be as thematically consistent as BOUND.  I think, each story idea will continue till it's done, at which point we'll put out a voting poll for everyone to decide the next short.  We'll then finish that one, rinse, and repeat!  This way, we get some fun, sexy, new comics to enjoy, and everyone still gets to vote on bigger ideas every 4-6 months like we did with the Bounty Board.

With that, we've got some ideas for you in the polls below!  Two of them established characters, and one option to use those Dungeons and Dragons-themed OC's we initially proposed last year!  I hope I get to use them in the near future, but you choose what we do first!  Stay devious!




I'm glad it ended up being Hermione. Would have been curious to see the Rey tale too.


Ooo, your fantasy characters! It would be awesome to see more of them!


Love all of them to be honest!


I will probably keep them all around, and just swap out whichever one we use with a new option!


Man, all three options sound great. Keep them around, would love to see them rotate in for at least a few showings to make sure that we don't get good ideas knocked out in favor of some obvious favs. I like the idea, here's looking forward to seeing what you do with it!


I have to say Emma Watson is amazing...