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Morning and Afternoon, friends!  Here we have the full first comic of BOUND, complete from beginning to end!  The file itself is extensive, and contains the following content:

- Cover Art and Foreword/Disclaimer

- All 24 pages of the first chapter of BOUND

- Art-Only Variants of all 24 pages, including the cover

As we said previously, we're posting this one in the $10 tier because we eventually play to sell this comic through virtual outlets, as soon as we square away how exactly we plan to do that legally.  Due to reasons we don't need to elaborate upon, Paypal can be finicky when it comes to selling content.  We need to square away a few things before we post the comic up elsewhere, so for the time being, enjoy your full read, Patreon friends!  We'll see you again when we do!  Stay devious!





Looks great, Sneak. Congratulations on your first? comic book!


lol, not the first sequential story I've ever written, but yes, this is our first full comic book :P


Thanks for sharing this in one archive like this, and for including the art-only page versions ... very cool! ^.^


I am upgrading my pledge to 25 for a month, just because this is such an awesome creation :)