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We return, once again, to that time of year you've all been waiting for.  Seasons greetings, captors and captorettes, we're going big for the holidays with another mega-pinup for everyone to enjoy, subscriber or otherwise!  This year, though we'll play the sub card right, and let you guys do the voting.  

Additionally, Christmas will come early for you guys, with a posting to come as soon as I finish it, or a week before the 25th, whichever comes later.  The public will get to see it Christmas Day, and not a moment sooner ;)

So, without further ado, let's get those votes in, people!  Remember, like last year, this will be an 8 girl piece!  The votes are for the people we've used in the Bounty Board over 2017, and only the top 8 get to be in the pic, so let's get some votes down, and I'm letting you guys vote multiple times here, so let's honor system pick your top 3-4 fav's, cause tie-breakers are going to be up to me at closing time! Voting ends midnight Friday, EST.

Stay nice, and rest assured we'll provide the naughty!



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