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We've got some plans in store for next year, boys and girls!  I've got a bit of narrative exposition to plug your way before getting to a long-planned question I have for you all, but the short-hand of it is that – at some point in the very near future – I'd like to take the Patreon from what it currently is, and slowly-but-surely move it toward the path of building games.  

H-Games, for those of you thinking “he wants to go vanilla?” Hell nah!  And of course, they'd be bondage-themed H-Games.  I mean, who do you think I am? Basically, the general idea, since so many of you seem keen on the BOUND comics, is to do a supplementary game centered around the not-so-humble beginnings of the story, as seen through the eyes of the villains!  What would follow is a narrative RPG set to both give you a fun look into the origins of many characters from the comic, and also give you a smorgasbord of ladies to tie up...maybe other things too! 

Some of you may have seen this coming, having heard talk of it in my streams of late, but for the rest of you, I'm sure this news will come as a surprise, and perhaps something of a shock, but I have to admit that this line of thought doesn't come as sudden as it all seems.  

When I started doing digital art in high school, I did so with the thought that I'd one-day turn it into game design in one way or another.  Time progressed, and as I realized my illustration talents were better lent to comics and pinups instead of 3D modeling, I downsized my ambitions to something a little more self-manageable. 

In recent history, I've come to an understanding that game design is not only possible, but very plausible in my near future.  Designing games has always been a pocket dream for me, and when presented with the option to do so, I'd give up a decent chunk of what I'd planned for my career to pursue that dream.    

That all being said, I have to be an adult and consider the work I do to make a living.  You all have been the kindest and awesome-est friends and family any pervy schmuck could ask for, and your input into the future of the page is as important as mine!    

I kind of figured, as much as we got a bit hyped for the dark-fantasy comic, seeing games in the near future would be severely crippled by it, and as such, we're likely going to swap its patron reward with one that promises to begin work on the eventual game. But first and foremost, like I said, this is a big crowd I'm working with here, and you all have a voice, I promise!  I'd love to get your thoughts on it, but if all you can spare is a click towards a poll vote, I'll take it!  Any additional time you have to spend in the comments voicing your full opinions is truly valued, and appreciated!  As always, fam, stay devious!



I'm pretty sure that a game designed by you would be one of my favorite things of all time.


Sounds like a blast! With your art at the core, it'd be a laugh AND pretty hot to boot. :)


Sounds like a big project, but with a lot of great potential too it. Consider me intrigued!


I'll preface this by saying I already greatly enjoy your current content and would be more than happy to see it expand in any direction whatsoever. If I could pick out a question ask though, it would be this: Games are usually very time consuming to make. Do you have a projected scale for how large you want this game to be or how long you want to spend making your first? They can also not often change in publicly meaningful amounts on a month by month basis. Would you have any plans of how to make your game's production schedule fit cleanly into a monthly support system like Patreon? I'm pleased to watch you pursue anything that makes you feel inspired as an artist, but I am still curious to pick your brain on the matter!


Depends on what the trade off in patreon rewards is. If it became entirely about games, then I'm on the fence. I understand the transition would be slow. However, the fact that it supplementary to the bound comic has me interested.I like the characters, the humor, and the bondage. I'd always be a patron on some level so long as that and the sketches remained. Also, I'd be far more interested in seeing a BOUND game then the BB's and IR's. The idea is kind of growing on me; it's just not what initially drew me to the site. Though, trust me, I understand wanting to pursue what your passionate about and being frustrated not having the time to do it.


My initial plan is to work it into some kind of update patch system. I wouldn't likely post anything more than development progress until I have some kind of workable alpha, at which point I'd put that up for everyone to check out! Once I have what I would deem to be some semblance of a full game, I'll make that "1.0" or something, and release that. It'll probably have to be for free, since most game engines have rules about "selling h-games" and all that, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it!


I fully understand and respect yours and everyone else's opinion in this regard. This was kind of always intended to be a natural progression patreon anyway. What I mean by that is: I start the Patreon with certain rewards, and as we grow, I add more, but eventually we swap out "dated" rewards for something better, more quality work for everyone! This also goes hand-in-hand with what I mentioned above, about always hoping I could make games, and now that that's a more realistic possibly, I want to push things in that direction. I want to make sure everyone knows I will always have at least an option for every available tier. If I ever get to a point where I feel I cannot provide a suitable reward for a certain tier, I will likely remove that tier, and let everyone know ahead of time, so you can assess which tier you'd rather work with instead!


NP. I do want to clarify that I'm supportive of the idea, especially if the game ties into the comic, but am a bit more hesitant than some of the other commenters . I guess what I should ask is how do you see the rewards changing once you've geared the patreon page more towards games. Obviously, that wouldn't change immediately; though, it might be a bit premature to ask right now. More or less just poking your brain out of curiosity.