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we had a hiccup of events over the past few days that had to prolong the last couple rewards for October, but we should be back on track by the end of the day!  We'll start today off right with last month's BOUND pages, getting pretty near the end of chapter 1!  What could the nefarious bad dudes have in store for our would-be heroines?  How should I know?  Oh yeah, I write the thing...

Tune in to the stream this afternoon, where we'll be streaming as many of the remaining Sketch Series as we can fit into an afternoon! Will it be the rest of them?  We can hope!  see you then, and stay devious!





Well that's one way to have a business meeting. And I love how the one evil lady is enjoying herself just as much, if not more, than the guys when they're being..."assisted by the interns." Seems she's a fan of goth girls. Can't say I blame her.


Wow, that is definitely a different way to keep a meeting on task...


And now we tease the next phase of the tale. Let the fun begin!