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Greetings one last time for this month, captors and captorettes!  We return, as promised, one last time to deliver the goods on the BOUND comic pages for this month!  I know the delivery of the pages every couple of weeks feels more consistent, but I kind of like the actual chunk of story you get in one sitting from two pages, so I'm trying to keep it that way for the time being!  Feel free to comment on your thoughts below!

Stay devious, and see you in July!





Love it! Not everyone keeps a razor blade in their butt. :3


Yeah, it is more fun to get to see the story like this. Less waiting between each part. And gosh, I hope there is enough tape left!


It is definitely nice getting the more substantial progression in one sitting. Helps the story feel like it's moving along and lets you cover a bit more of the world in certain scenes!


"How much tape is left." A very important question indeed.


They can always go to the hardware store to buy more. >8D