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 Attention, captors and captorettes!  We've got some exciting news headed your way!  Due to a popular demand for more sketch options, and an increasing demand to post more consistently with Deviantart and Hentai Foundry (including the personal desire to start up either a Tumblr or Twitter account), we're going to be updating how the Sketch Series will operate for the foreseeable future! 

 DISCLAIMER: Nothing about how the Sketch Series currently works is going to be removed in any way.  Each tier will still get exactly what they've been paying for, and each sketch will still show up in a packaged folder sometime at the start of each subsequent month.

Colored Sketches: You've been routinely asking for it, ever since we stopped providing them back in January, and we've been listening!  We're happy to say that, after some careful consideration, we'll be bringing back colored sketches, in a limited fashion.  Basically, Colored Sketches will become a secondary option to be available after a monthly sketch has been completed.  Once you've gotten a colored sketch done for the current month, you'll be allowed to trade in next month's sketch in exchange for getting this month's sketch fully colored! And we're not talking just flats and a few cast shadows...we mean fully rendered (characters, backgrounds, special effects, etc.)

 (And by the way, when I said "going to be updating...", I mean right now.  If you already submitted a sketch I haven't gotten to yet, you can change it and I'll color one of your old ones instead!)   

Retroactive Sketches Apply: Additionally, since this is a new feature, we're sure a few of you have a sketch or two from previous months that you'd love to have retro-actively colored.  Good news on that front, cause as long as the sketch belongs to you, I will honor it as a potential colored sketch.  It does have to be a sketch that I've made though.  I will not be coloring other artist's linework.

Posted as Commissions: As I said before, we've been trying to post more pieces routinely to the free sites, as Patreon sometimes forces our hand at staying on schedule over expanding our public portfolio.  As a result, we've decided not to exclude the colored sketches to Patreon.  Once you get one of your sketches colored for that month, I will be posting it to Deviantart, Hentai Foundry, and any other free media sites I have at that time (with a link to Patreon, of course!)  Hopefully this grabs the attention of even more folk, which in turn will grow our family and allow us to do even more for you guys every month! Trust me, once they're colored, they'll look like full commissions, anyway ;)

If you have any additional questions, please sound off in the comments below, and I will either answer individually, or add edits to this post, if I feel it's imperative enough for everyone to read at the top!  Thanks guys, I look forward to coloring your stuff in the coming months! Stay devious!





This is great! Holy smokes the Korrasami pic and the HP ones in particular! Looking forward to seeing what comes next!


-groan- I can't decide which is better, the Korrasami or the HP one...


Some really great pieces in here - I'm biased towards one in particular but every one of them is great, and here's hoping that more of them will pop up in color in the future! (Love the new option!)