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We've got a double header for you today, captors and captorettes!  We decided to post the BOUND comic pages all at once, since the details of each worked better as a whole image that two separate stories, so we hope you appreciate the delay on page 11!  

We're gonna have to hope you guys can all appreciate a little more patience, as we go into this 4-day convention over my way, which will cause our work schedule (not to mention our sleep schedule!) do go a little haywire.  Not to worry though, we should be back to your regularly scheduled kink-programming by no later than Tuesday, assuming I don't need therapy by then!  Stay devious!





Wowzers! Definitely work the wait, especially for a binding montage. And don't we I am sure we all need a bit of therapy, good luck at the convention!


These came out beautifuly, looking forward to the next ones! Have fun at the convention


Definitely a great pair of pages here, and no matter which way it goes, this should be an interesting night for these two... :)


Personally, I hope she loses. >8D Or... She wins a chance to dish it out to Miranda.


Best pages yet, love seeing Ashlee finally tied up. Part of me doesn't want anything bad to happen to her at all, I find her very likable.


It's really great to see Ashlee finally tied up. And in tape bondage no less