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Here is a simple transparency gif. I went for just the prey showing through the bellies instead of the full anatomy style I usually go for.

I'm curious to know if you prefer it this way or you prefer the more anatomy detailed style.



Jason (SinGage)

Either way works for me personally, I guess I'd just base it on how much time an energy you wanna put into the internal


if it saves you time I'd say this way is better


You might be better using webm than gif format for animations these days.


Just to make it clear, It's not about time and energy. Making the anatomy version is not much longer than this.


I definitely like the anatomy style personally because it blends well with the art style you have especially for like your game


I prefer this way, I personally prefer to focus on the “sexual” part of vore so just seeing the prey makes me enjoy it more

Nick wlkam

I personally prefer the deeper anatomy