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It's with great pain that I release this unfinished update. I missed my target by almost 2 weeks and even then I can't give you a finished product. Truth is, I'm so mad at myself that I can't keep working on it. I just get more frustrated the more I work on it and I feel like I'm making an inferior game as a result. I'm taking a break for a few days, to clear my mind a bit. I'm gonna get back on finishing this update and will release it when it's ready.

For the future, I won't give any clear release date anymore. You can still expect a game update every 3-4 month and a dev-log and apex pred exclusive content anywhere from 2 weeks to a month in time from each other.

I still have high hope for this project, I'm just getting started. Next step for me will be optimisation. I'm gonna have to downgrade the game from 1080p to 720p and use webp images instead of png. I hope to cut the weight of the game in half this way. I must do this if I want to upload it on megaupload and other sharesite. Dropbox is already out of the question due to it's 2gb limit. Expect a drop in image quality, it should still look okay 720p is still considered HD. This optimised version should come during the summer, it won't have any new scene. The next real update will be at the end of the summer or at the start of fall and will show the end of the intro. Once the intro is finished the game will become way more like a game and less like a visual novel. It will feature a map where you can visit different places and time will pass each time you do something.

Apex preds don't go in despair, I haven't forgotten you, exclusive content and a new poll is coming this week.

I'm open to feedback, especially if you find bugs, or spelling mistakes. Please let me know what you think.











I hope you enjoy it more than I do.




Hey, this is awesome! Thank you so much!


In the future, it is best to use large time intervals, such as "mid-June - early July". The more understandable the readiness time, the more accurate the timing can be called with a window of a week and then the end date.


I have no idea how you worry about tasking and how you divide your time up, but in the future maybe it's best to have a spreadsheet of exactly what you have to do and put individual times for each task? Regardless, thanks for the update, eager to try it out, unfinished or not!


Also, just got a chance to play it and it's actually beyond awesome. I am a huge fan of it, if there is anything we can do to help you should let us know. Don't stress yourself out over it, it's a work of progress and it's clear you are putting a lot of effort into it. Were all rooting you on, thank you! Also, Melissa is now best girl.


Pretty good update, I liked the new scenes and story.


Ok honestly I think a break would be best for you you're pushing yourself to hard please take as much time as you need


Jpeg style lossy compression or webp equivalent sounds like a great idea for shrinking game files.


It's really hard to estimate and plan the time needed to make a pron game... You see to make quality content you need to be in a special kind of horny... horny enough to make good content and not too horny or else you won't be working, if you catch my meaning. I'm sure anyone who made porn content know what I mean by that.


You should definitely post this on Eka's. It would be a great place for this game to gain more traction among the community. https://aryion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=38739


But it is on Eka's. Just check the games forum, you should find it quickly. There's only the demo version so far, I will put the new update on it in 2 month.


Oops. Well it's not on the Directory page at least yet, adding it there will certainly help!


Who is the character who is second from left? I can't seem to match their face to anyone in the bio are they a later character?


The 2 left most Character in the title image are not in the bio page #1... The second from the left is the in the game. She's the one who can eat you at the clothing stores.


Ah I see, I hadn’t downloaded the new update yet, thank you for the clarification, the one second from left looks like it’ll be one of the favorites


I can't download the file, in mega because it asks me for the key and neither in drive because Error: Forbidden appears What do I do?


Hype for the second half of this release. Hype for the av route.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-14 11:08:55 Do not back yourself into a hole with timelines and promises. Your fans will be patient. Be willing to take your time and release the product that YOU want to release when you want to release it. Remember, this is your passion. We are just lucky to be a part of it.
2023-08-27 20:30:48


Thanks, I just feel bad for the people paying money for it and being disappointed of how long it takes.