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Another day, another corpse found its way on the Express, and this one also got a note attached to it.

It says-

"This beautiful mercenary woman hails from the deserts of Sumeru in the world of Teyvat.

Her name is Dehya, she was popularly known as 'The Flame Mane' by the local mercenary groups.

A skillful fighter who strike terror into her opponents, the local mercenary and the crooks was terrified of her and did their best avoid making an enemy of her.

Being the fierce fighter and a known to have a bad temper, she had a heart of gold. A very simple woman with simple philosophies, she lived more for others around her than herself. Always protective of the people close to her.

But, all good things come to an end, and mercenary life is like sleeping with a guillotine hanging right above you every night.

One fateful night, Dehya went to raid a Fatui camp, which was standard practice for her. But this time, the Fatui were planning an ambush. They thought, if they manage to kill Dehya, it would ease up their 'operations' in the desert easier since with the legendary Flame Mane gone, the mercenaries will be less tempted to raid their camps anymore.

But they were wrong, Dehya alone faced the ambush, killed of every single Fatui in the vicinity and the plan of the Fatui were so badly backfired that they had to completely withdraw from the desert for the time being. An extraordinary feat achieved by the desert folks in a very long time.

But this achievement came with a steep price. The external and internal wounds received by Dehya and the exhaustion from the battle sent Dehya to a coma. And after weeks of being in the Bimarstan at Sumeru City, she succumbs to her injuries.

Her remains were sent in the seas on raft, as per her wish.
Whoever finds her remains, please handle her with utmost respect and give her a proper send off if you can."

Respect, of course. Caelus would give the utmost respect to this lovely dead woman.

This has been done in Blender and the assets are downloaded from Open3DLab.
Dehya model courtesy- daB_neko(Patreon)



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