Ultimate Immersion v1.2 update news [1.12.2/1.14] (Patreon)
Hey guys, so here's a little update about what I've been working on in the past month. Screenshots are still a wip concept so expect a more defined result once update gets released.
This month I bring you angled roofs and more angled window options to further expand your building options. I'm planning to add two different roof covers and many window parts including angled blinds. Interior walls don't seem properly ray traced since they're at 45 degree angle but that's the thing of PTGI, since custom blocks still are not 100% proprerly ray traced. But according to latest update news from Sonic Ether this should get resolved in his future versions.
I will however do my best to see if there's a workaround.
I'm going to Mauritius next week to do some work there, but don't worry I'll work on this full time for you to get it in the usual time frame.
Just bought a proper camera now and finally found a proper lens so I'll start making much crisper textures, maybe even add upscaled 4K tier for enthusiasts, but that will be only for cinematic renders - not suitable for gameplay in the poor Minecraft engine at all.
After that I have some even better things planned (for a while now) and I hope they all work as intended as they will change visuals drastically ;)
Stay tuned for the next update and thank you for all the support <3
(I used x512 for these screenshots since I'm still testing)