Ultimate Immersion v1.1 update news [1.12.2/1.14] (Patreon)
So I took a step forward this time and decided to give my mod even more realism, quality and detail. There's a lot of limits since Minecraft's based on 1x1x1 cubes which are quite clumsy for this matter, but I'm trying to find a way around to get it looking as close to real life as possible.
I've focused on refining couple of existing models and textures and adding new ones. I will enhance old mod blocks like bathroom etc. in the upcoming updates, adding them more detail and realism. I will also enhance textures. Looking to buy a new camera to start taking even crisper texture photos.
This update and beyond will be focused on detail and for the future I'm thinking to start importing poly models not just cubed models for beds and more non cubic elements to add more realism. Still have to test how that works with ray tracing and Minecraft engine but a lot of neat stuff is coming up including some model functionality.
Update should come sometime next week.
Thanks for the support guys and stay tuned!