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Hoo Boy. August gonna be hella great! 2 of my favorite anime~
AUGUST - Senran Kagura and One Punch Man   

Hikage best girl.  Hibiki Best Girl.

Senran Kagura have so many characters so i put link of their anime series (which doesn't have much): 


If you have your own favorite Senran character just put em up in the comment.

For One punch man i think you guys know the anime.  
same like Senran Kagura seems like there are a lot o characters.

but less girl character in anime. there is a lot in the Manga i think.

https://myanimelist.net/anime/30276/One_Punch_Man/characters#staff  _____________________________________________________________________

 - only character name related to series below will be put on votepoll. 

- Just put their name. no long suggestion or make it simple and short.  

- Do you want crossover? or maybe 2 chara 2 canvas.  

-I can try crossover. thats mean you can name 2 character in 1 suggestion.  

-My Limit is 2 character in one canvas.   





Fubuki stepping out of her wet clothes

Frank Leo

don't know their names


Hikage, as cute way. (google shows like her violently kills enemy, so hopefully theres a different look of her)


Hikage and Hibari!