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Alright here is what i comes out with after having some chat with my friend.

First of all. I am getting sick and tired with RWBY stuff. For a whole year of 2017 drawing them. let's make December 2017 the last of em.

But, that doesn't mean i will stop drawing RWBY stuff in 2018. there will be some doodles like always.


The Idea Option:

1st Option -
for the whole 2018 on December 2017 there will be the biggest vote poll where everyone will put their favorite series on vote poll with top 12 most voted will indicate 12 monthly theme for 2018. and every month there will a Vote Poll for Character in the monthly series to be lewd and SFWed.

Cons : the result for the monthly theme can't be changed. if RWBY series managed to at least get in in the top 12 result. that will be the first and last in 2018.

2nd Option -
Every month there will be 2 vote poll for next month works. first its a vote poll for any suggested series (no-RWBY). and second there will be a vote poll for the character in the winning series for next month works.

Cons : Hella lots of post that might sink other post. even with tags cant help much. If RWBY series manage to win in the vote poll. there will be no more RWBY for the rest of the year the same for other series. no second  chance.

So here is what i come out with.
which one you guys like?

Edit : Some add on. I know majority of my supporter were here for RWBY fanart. in addition for that every month of 2018 there will be at least 3 or more RWBY doodles. there will be a post for suggestion and only the most liked suggestion will be doodled. applied on both Option 1st and 2nd Option.



Option 2

Emmanuel Barrales

Option 2. Gives a chance to change each month. I'm sorry to hear you Zain had to draw so much RWBY. Hopefully people will respect your wishes and suggest a non RWBY series to give you a break. Good luck with your work.

Frank Leo

Option 2


Option 2 works, but not seeing rwby in your style or even an even chance of it is disappointing and even to single it out. I was hoping for a different outcome.


Option 1 guarantees a different series each month. So we know what series will be up and we can think of our favorite characters from said series to make a request of.


somehow i like Option 1. it at least me is more easy to handle the hassle every month. when all i need to is just make poll for character and RWBY doodles suggestion.

Kuronan Estimare

2nd Option is friendlier to New Patrons and also allows more flexibility for new series and games releases. Gimme!


Option 1 seems interesting


Option 2. I absolutely love your RWBY work but I can completely understand that doing something over and over can still be tiring. Some new series to draw and new suggestions should definitely prove more interesting and exciting for you.


Option 2, coz the flexibility setting a new series every month. For example if a new series comes up & people loved the character, at least we may get a fanart of it. *ehem* Albedo Overlord *ahem*.


I can understand getting tired with drawing the same series every time, and that you would like to do something new. And you haven't completely cut out RWBY (as seen from your edit), but I'm wondering if maybe you've underestimated how many of your supporters are here for your RWBY art (you've even mentioned how non-RWBY suggestions never get as many votes as RWBY ones). Just considering this, I'm concerned that you may unintentionally drive a large number of your supporters away, as they become dissatisfied with the content you put out (IMO doing a couple of doodles is not a satisfactory substitute for even one full quality picture). Maybe instead of the doodles, you could do one (and even only one) fully quality RWBY drawing per month. This way, a possible large number of your supporters are still getting something that they most want every month. Anyways, this is just a suggestion, and only one of many that could possibly be a better compromise. I just wanted to make sure that you fully understood any potential unintended consequences that this course of action could take.


the doodles are not some kind of lazy doodles or non-colored. it will be as good as the sketch colored commission i do few weeks ago. but i will try to use different tool for more clean work but quick to draw.