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**This list of requirements applies to the work of most animation authors**


-Nemesis     https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/60033

 Animation tools, needless to say, we all use this.




It is an animation system, and only after installing it can animation start working


DAR \   Dynamic Animation Replacer       https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/33746  

A plugin for managing animations, which allows us to set when some animations start working.   (For animations managed by DAR, when the animation conditions are set to the same, the larger the number of folder names, the higher the priority for the animations in the folder to work。If some of your animations are not working, you should check if the folder name and the number size are what you need)


Amr \ Animation Motion Revolution         https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/50258

Control the movement value of the animation. Just install it。


Payload Interpreter      https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/65089

Animation release spells require it. If your animation does not release spells, only animations, you need to check if this plugin is installed correctly


One Click Power Attack     https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/60878

This plugin allows us to use different buttons for normal attack and power attack, which is very important.


dTry's Key Utils      https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/69944

This plugin allows us to attack using different animations while holding down the move button.   (w\s\a\d+n.at\p.at )  If the group buttons are not working, then you need to check this plugin。


Precision                  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/72347

To make the collision of character weapons more realistic, it is recommended to install it.( In fact, some animations require it to have attack events)


SPID \  Spell Perk Item Distributor (SPID)        https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/36869

Automatically add some spells, items, or other items to the actors in the game, my animations need this.


human im not

I updated it according to this article and it now works.

Cunning Vileblood

Do we need One Click Power Attack specifically or can we use Separate power Attack's??


Having trouble with directional power attack, any clue? (w\s\a\d+n.at\p.at ) Seems to be MCO version issue. Which version do you use / recommend guys?


Both work but separate power attack is a problem since the new sheath button doesn't have the surrender feature. So One Click Power Attack is a safer option.

Kingofall 92

will this work with Open Animation Replacer?


Oar apparently has backwards compatibility with dar

Kingofall 92

Did you download all the requirements? I personally like using separate power attack over one click power attack since I play using a controller. Does it mention which mod overwriting one another? Don't forget to run nemesis too.

ScorpionZeRo17 Thompson

i don't have separate power attack installed, but i do have all other requirements. Also, i downloaded the spear move set and it says. Anchor Animation Spell V2.esp -> anchorspear.esl -> anchor animations spell v2.esp

Kingofall 92

Anchor has a repackage of all his weapon mod. Use that instead of individual weapon pack. That's probably why yours overwriting one another.


does anyone have this issue that bow doesnt do any damage just sometimes


i have bow rapid combo instaled


What version of the game does your mod require? I used it and it doesn't work at all.

Darnassian Nightsaber

You must make sense of your load order of these. Put 'Anchor Animation Spell V2.esp' before both of the others, then 'anchorspear.esl' before 'anchor animations spell v2.esp'. I am not sure about the order but this is how you break cyclic rules.


If all the prerequisite MODs are installed correctly... In most cases, it is overwritten by an animation with the same condition that has a higher priority. For example, I wanted to use ANCHORSword&SHIELDMotion, but it didn't work at all. I am using OAR, so I used Shift key + O to display the OAR UI, and set the priority of all Motions that were in the top position (in this case, Elden Counter & Elden Rim were the culprits) to be low than ANCHORAnimation. I solved it by lowering it. (RIM has a lot of target range weapons, so ANCHORAnimation is cooler, so I deleted it.) So you may need to change the priority in OAR or delete the MOD that includes Motion that seems to be causing the problem.


What would cause the bow, greatsword, and sword to not vanish when using fist and then crash the game? This has been reported for a very long time now, has this bug been acknowledged?


For those that crash when using fist and unequipping with sword or greatsword, I deleted the weapons for both in SSEEdit and now it doesn't crash. I thought initially that the weapons were supposed to vanish like the daggers (basically Anchor's take on kingsglaive) but apparently not. Kinda odd for unarmed but can live with it as long as it's not crashing.

Cristián Flores

Hello! What version of Skyrim AE do you recommend so I can use your mods?