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Hello everyone,

This forelast Patreon Reward has a very nice Halloween-Feeling to it. Balint asked me to draw a majestic yet creepy/spooky Skeleton Alicorn for this month and that's what I did^^.

I looked up the skeleton of a horse and more or less sketched it exactly like it was, only changing up a few small things like making it look a little lankier and taller than a normal horse, adding wings, a horn and the mane and tail that are like black dust magically floating around the skull and bones. This was an interesting experiment.

At first I was afraid to do this since...eh...the detailed accuracy of a skeleton is pretty had for me to capture 100% but keep in mind it's only a sketch reward and when I realized that and more or less worked through it with my dark pencil, I truly liked what I saw and created :) I am very hapy with this outcome^^

Thank you so much Balint for all the kind words and your support, I highly appreciate it!

Time: about 1 Hour




Awesome! I like the level of detail even though it is "just a sketch". You did great! Thanks Lupi!


Naww thank you! It means a lot to me to hear you think so^^ I feel honoured :D