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Hey guys^^

It's Patreon Reward time! Starting with Balint's Sketch request, who cave me more of a motto to follow instead of a strict image idea: "Luna meets Luna". With that idea of Princess Luna from MLP meeting Luna the cat from Sailor Moon, I had still some space to work with^^

So, since both of them represent the moon/night in some way, why not put them on a small moon? the cat already has the symbol on her forehead while the princess of the night carries the moon around on her jewelry and her flank ;) So we can see Princess Luna sitting on the moon, already reminding us just a little bit of the Dreamworks logo, while the black cat is resting curiously on the pony's head/neck.
I found the idea of Princess Luna looking up with a confused expression kind of adorable hehe^^

I want to thank Balint for the support and this idea, it was quite some fun to work on it :D

Really hope you like it ;)

Time: Around 1 1/2 Hours




for a second i thought you'd meant singing Luna from Bear in the Big House with the moon Lulu was sitting on xD but that's a cute lil sketch yea, good job Lupi I'm sure Balint loves it too :3


YESSSSSSSSSS! Khm, I mean, great work as always Lupi, I like the sketch. Both Lunas are very cute, and the logo-esque idea works great. Lovin' it.


Lunaverse possibilities are endless! We could also go for Luna Lovegood sporting an MLP Luna patronus. :-)


she's like the Big Mac Guy from the late 80s early 90s...


Naw thank you dear^^ I can't express how much it means to me to hear you like the outcome of this piece, really :D Thank you very much! As well as for your support and giving me this cute challenge to work with^^