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Heya guys^^

During a little art contest between :iconmoemneop: and :meowjacky:, who were supposed to draw my OC Lupi or Luci, I decided to doodle a little thingy for each of them as some kind of prize and thank you^^

Starting with Neop, who drew a sweet scenery of Luci wanting her scarf back, I doodled his OC Lukida laying in her back and having fun like a happy horse :) I had fun working on it since I liked the sketch a lot, already and I'm happy with the result. Look at how cute she looks at us^^ Happy batponies can be so awesome ;)

Thank you again for drawing my OC for me, Neop^^ I really hope you like it!




Super adorable batpones being happy are adorable! Great job Lupi! :3


They really are cute and awesome at the same time :D I like them ^^ Thank yoooouu! Glad you like it^^


Just remember--he's REALLY into the neck scruff. :)