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Hello everyone!

I finally finished this piece that has been waiting to be completed in my big DIN A3 sketchbook for a long time now. I wanted to draw something romantic for Fluttershy and Discord as I never really drew this pair together yet.

In this piece, I wanted to show not only their size difference yet how the former lord of chaos has a heart that beats for one mare and one mare only - the element of kindness, Fluttershy. As these two share the warmth in a heart's embrace, the spreads her precious wings as their eyes meet and a firework of emotions blurs out everything and everyone that's around them.

The focus was on these two entirely, which is why I didn't create an overly detailed background and instead a gradient with soft colours to frame them and their soft love. Discord especially was fun yet somewhat challenging to draw with the different textures over his body (from scales to rough fur etc.) yet I do feel I managed to capture him well. I also adore how Fluttershy's face turned out in this piece and I am very happy and proud of the result. It's not flawless yet it is beautiful in its own, unique way - just like their love.

I would really love to hear your feedback on this illustration as I did my best with Brushmarkers and coloured pencils over the course of a few days of work. It'll also be available at my booth at GalaCon this year and hopefully find a good new home!

Time: About 8+ hours



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