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(Bit of a read sorry, but much coming up.. )  Hiya all,
It's the end of September so all this months releases pictured will be leaving the monthly releases section and spreading out to where they are supposed to be, so new/starter members if you have not downloaded this months models yet please do so (Full access members you can just get them whenever you need)


November is also fast approaching which marks our 4th Patreon Anniversary!!! wow.. time flies!

While I have some great stuff lined up - there is one special model that will be only for full access members as a reward for hanging around. I won't give too much away but we know the Avengers statue/diorama is coming and that is planned for our anniversary release as it's a pretty massive model.

This Avengers Diorama will NOT be available to starter access/new members.

But if you are reading this post, guess what? because even if you only signed up this month,/september...  by November you will be on full access :)  so you're all winners!

There still will be of course a tonne of normal releases for November for all members but as I said I would like to reward those who stick around with something they've been patiently waiting on for a long time (among other things!) So as I said if you were thinking about signing up, signing up later in this month will do you a great deal more than signing up in early October!!

Lot's coming!!!

Thank you to everyone who has supported us over the years, literally literally could not do it with out you.




Matt Allen

I'd love to see all the tiki stuff turned into tiki mugs!!!

Jeremy Scott

Can I just pay you for the three months outright? There is nothing in the recent packs that interest me so I am just going to cancel.. I've already did the whole run around between both sites.


No, there is no paying up front as per the FAQ. If nothing in the starter pack or the last two months worth of stuff doesn't interest you then its very likely nothing in the archive will either, so maybe just cancel.