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Yes! MORE!


She looks hot! Also make sure to stop by discord when you’re not busy!


Damn, so massive!


Talk about custom weights! But might as well get rid of those boobs. These tiny nubs have no business sitting on a massive chest like that :D

Jakob Mills

I personally don't mind either, and honestly feel that directing an artist to change his art into something that you personally enjoy is not the way to go. But that's just me.


Then I guess it is a good thing I was just making a comment coupled with a small joke about how her formerly large/above average breasts look small on her now massive frame.... But for you, I'll make sure to keep any dastardly plots to distort the artists vision to myself in the future and stick to thumbs up 👍👍🤗


I had hoped for boob growth too 🤪 but just as happy to see her grow and grow. Will be interesting to see what she has to chain together next to be heavy enough for the gains 😂 .


She doesn’t seem particular tall so it might be time to invest into a longer and sturdier bar… or just straight up switch to one-handed curls 💪