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Dear patreons;

As I thought, this week has been complicated for me, between paperwork and toothache it was impossible to draw this week, therefore pages 140 and 141 will be published simultaneously on Sunday. 

For my drawings, This month I had planned to make a sequence of muscle growth of 5 images, which I will begin to publish from the 15th, although I will publish a teaser tomorrow. my apologies for the delay, I will be posting new content soon. 

PS: it is possible that during this month or the next this situation of delay will happen again because I have not finished the treatment with the dentist, this is just a possibility, but I wanted you to know


I. Nobes

Just make sure you stay in good health. We would rather have you healthy and happy, than in pain and flubbing up.


Glad to hear you’re doing better!


Take care of yourself dude... And keep posting those awesome 3D prints


I'm actually working on something new for the next month ;)


You are one of the most active and reliable artists I have supported on patreon, some people just disappear for months and don’t post or say anything. So thanks for the info and take your time to get better 👌


Honest to God, I completely forgot you told us you were having dental work done, so I appreciate the update (or reminder, in my case :) ). It's been said by others many times before, but it never hurts to sat it again: we love your art, but we love you being healthy even more, so I look forward to the next piece, because hopefully it means you're back in good form.


thanks dude! It happened that I had a cavity between 2 teeth which was not visible, I only found out because of the pain: P I currently have 1 of the 2 teeth repaired, so I no longer feel pain, but I still have to go back to the dentist

