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Hahaha her face in the lower left 😂 dream body and still shy. Great character


Wowie zowie she looks great! Just think what it’ll be like when she gets “fuckin’ huge”, though!


Really love this. Your style works great for any size. She isn’t big like your usual stuff but still way more ripped than any real fbb I know. :)


This is what I signed up for

Arch Stanton

YESSSS! I can't wait to see what happens next!


I can't wait to see the audience's reactions! <3


I realize that this may be an unpopular sentiment for some, but I think your slow-burn approach is really paying off Romb. We're now deeply-invested in these characters, there's an interesting larger mystery lurking, and each and every small step of Sophia's muscular development is exciting. Just seeing Sophia walking around school with only that small bit of pec cleavage showing, knowing that she's packing literally contest-shredded muscles under her coat is a real thrill, to say nothing of now seeing her awkwardly trying on her first bikini. I applaud you for sticking to your guns and making the comic you want to make. Consider me along for the ride until the wheels come off dude!


thank you very much for your words and for your support!! My intention was always to make a different comic and a character that feels close, and as you say, every detail as boring as it may seem in the beginning, will be important in the future.