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Hey everyone! 

I have a little announcement to make. I'd like to talk about the future direction The Freak will take. A while ago, well not too long ago, I was in the running to be hired as a professional comic artist for a well known publishing house. As fate would have it, I was not hired. So, after spending some time feeling sorry for myself I had the realization that I now had the freedom to create a world - or an entire fictional universe of my own! I mean, I have some pretty alright talent, right? Some handy skills with the pen, yeah? Why not fashion a comic universe where I didn't have to be constrained by the intellectual property of someone else?

I brainstormed about it for a bit and eventually created what we've been reading: The Freak. However, to make this universe more immersive, I have decided to expand upon the original concept of The Freak by introducing cannon side adventures as short 10-page comics that occur within the same world that Sophia and Cecilia inhabit. These will feature other muscular women (sometimes including Sophia) and serve mostly as fan service.

Under this idea, these stories will be collectively referred to as "Rombosman Muscle Stories" (yeah, sorry, I put all my points into drawing and not name creativity). June will mark the first month that I will be publishing these stories, and as such will be offered free. New stories will then be published every 4 month as new reward tier at $26 USD. The release date with these will conincide with regular drawing releases and The Freak, but offered at different times of the year. So stay subscribed to learn more about future releases!

And from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for helping make this possible. 

* more details soon




Awesome! I really hope these side comics could show rival women growing to compete with Sophia in her up coming competition and reach similar or bigger then her future giant muscle mass. And love the bender reference 😂


Bender 🤣


In fact forget the comic! (Seriously though, this sounds legitimately awesome. I can't wait!)


Keep going, we will support you.


Shut up and take my money! :P


Creating your own comic universe centering on super-muscular girl’s? Sounds like a good idea to me!