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*The freak new page, will come out today in the afternoon or tomorrow.

this was what happened...

As some of you recalled a while ago my computer broke, and I had to buy another.

Since I did not have enough money, I bought only a few pieces with the hope of improving them in the future, the good news is that on Thursday after much waiting my new processor arrived :D

for those who know about computers, changing the processor is something that should not take more than an hour, but for reasons I do not understand that change proved that the 3d software I use will not work correctly... After several hours of trying to solve the problem and failing in the attempt, I decided to reinstall the entire operating system.

because of that, page 39 is incomplete, so I apologize for the delay



Just glad you didn’t slip on a banana peel and your alive and well! Lol


Take your time 👍


take you time +1


hahahaha! once I had something similar, but it was with an orange peel