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Every time you post it feels like a mini Christmas. She looks wonderful!


Nice job, it's fun seeing your girls trying to live their normal lives. I really would love to see the issues that one of your 'big girls' would have. I really do hope you unleash from the gem at some point, those ones are absolutely amazing and seeing them interact with the environment/doing mundane feats of strength would be incredible.


Yeah, more slice of life stuff would be great. This pic has an "arriving to meet her date" feel to it. How awesome would it be to see one of your girls at work in an office cubicle, or turning heads at the supermarket?


I especially would love to see this girl <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/bigger-16814831">https://www.patreon.com/posts/bigger-16814831</a> (or even larger) in a public setting. Hell, she might not even fit in a cubicle or a supermarket isle XD. I mean she probably just has to say fuck it when it comes to find any clothing in that size, which would make for some interesting reactions and interactions. Also you are missing a fun opportunity here for some great minor slice of life stuff. Mainly background people's reaction to her and I suspect those high heels might be damaging the floor with so much weight on them. Your detail on the muscles is as superb as always. :)