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My apologies to all of you for just throwing out the previous build without explaining what it contained. I was rushing to get it done before the end of the month and it ended up taking me until 3am to fix a compilation bug that I ran into.

This month has been very hard work, but very rewarding too, as I have mostly completed ripping up the old nightmare of menu logic I haphazardly threw together as the game developed, and replaced it with a system for handling the game's various systems and assets in a more principled and extensible way.

I also added a few more simple clothing and accessory pieces, primarily to test the new workflow the "designer" system enables. It really is night and day. To illustrate what I mean, here's a snippet of the process for previous builds:

  • Create the item in Blender, import to Unreal
  • Manually add the item to any menus (dropdowns, etc.) it needs to appear in
  • Manually add menu elements for color customization, etc.
  • Manually set up the logic to add or remove the specified mesh
  • Manually set up the logic to change the color, etc. of the mesh
  • ?????
  • Profit

Now all that needs doing after importing the files is to add one line to a spreadsheet, and the designer system handles the rest itself. I can even add whole new categories (like a "hats" section, for example) without touching the underlying code.

Needless to say, the process of making content for the game has become a lot more fun, so expect to see it happening at a faster pace in future updates.

Speaking of future updates, I'd like to focus back on the core mechanics of the game for this month's round of development. There are elements of SDT that still see no representation in HD, like dialogue, consciousness, etc. that I would like to bring in. I want to focus on how the core "gameplay" can be made more sexy, fun, and sexyfun.

This build adds support for loading custom textures at runtime for some customization elements. I will make a separate post addressing this soon.

[Changelog] (consolidated over 0.2.9, 0.2.99, and 0.3.0)


+ Hand positioning system redone, should be more stable now (maybe, kind of)
+ "Wince" toggle allows user to change whether HD-chan's eyes close when deepthroating
+ Facial collision tweaked


+ New outline shader
+ Misc. updates to HD-chan's geo
+ New clothing/accessory material


+ Customization of HD-chan completely redone with new "Designer" menu system
+ Saved presets split into "Characters" and "Outfits"
+ Majority of accessories now have one or more color customization options
+ Support for loading custom eyebrow/eyelash/eyeshadow textures at runtime
+ New proportion adjustments: shoulder breadth, hip width, nipple protrusion, ass size (width/depth), thigh thickness
+ New skin adjustments: tan style and color
+ New decal category: eyeshadow
+ New clothing: string bikini (top and bottom), ribbonsuit
+ New accessories: Halo, flower, ring choker, antlers, stud earrings, blindfold


HYPERDEEP 0_3_0ap.zip


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