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A happy end of the month to you all, my wonderful patrons. I bring for you today, unfortunately not an update (yet), but simply good tidings of things to come (soon).

Hyperdeep is currently in a state of significant dismantlement, as I sweep back through all the old menu blueprints and restructure the way the game keeps track of all the various customizations that are now available. This has been a pretty big task, but I'm almost done with it now and it will pay off massively as I add more and more to the game.

Basically, I've finally got round to making use of something called a "data table" in Unreal Engine, which is basically just a spreadsheet that the game can read from at runtime. All of HD-chan's customization sliders, color pickers, clothing items, accessories, etc. are now represented as rows in these tables, and the game automatically constructs all the necessary menus to allow you lot to play with these things when the game boots up. Adding a new piece of clothing or decal is now trivially easy, and I can also make sweeping changes to the way these customizations are handled and the menu graphics look without having to go through and do it for every single item and slider.

I know I've said I've been doing "under the hood" stuff before as an excuse to not do the fun things you guys suggest to me in DMs like "shitting dick nipples mode" and "WHERE IS THE ANDROID PORT EGG-MAN"*, but for real this is a huge deal and will basically open the doors to me adding shitloads of stuff to the game at lightning speed**.

The reason this post isn't accompanied by an update is because these changes are big and structural and you can't let people start driving over a bridge before you finish building it, but I am pretty dang close. While you wait, have an imagine of what enjoying the below list of improvements will be like.

Things to come very soon:

  • Completely reworked menus: with thumbnails! No more guessing what a "mii" eyelash or a "ropebell" is
  • New and vastly improved preset management: save characters and outfits separately, image previews
  • New customization category: decals (flat image overlays on HDchan for things like stockings, makeup, tattoos, etc.)
  • CUSTOM texture loading: import your own eyelash/brows/pupil overlays/tattoos/etc. with remarkable ease
  • MORE body customization: dedicated ass and thigh sliders, hip width
  • Improved outline rendering!
  • I'm really going to try and put in at least one more pose this time
  • A load of other small things!

Once this update is released, which I estimate will probably be around the middle of June, I will begin work on a CONTENT UPDATE which will have things that aren't menus and boring programming shit but instead are shiny models and poses and improved dick sucking mechanics because this is a dick sucking game god damn it, which I should be able to release before the end of June. In July I expect to implement environments/scenery, however I decide to do that.

p.s. The lead image for this post is the same pose as I've used for some glamour shots before, but this time rendered in-game as part of the new customization menu. UE's high-res screenshot tool doesn't capture UI though so you'll have to take my word for it that that's what it is.

*I understand that Hyperdeep looks relatively simple at a glance but the reason there isn't an Android port is because the game uses loads of advanced rendering, physics, and animation features that mobile platforms don't support.

**"Shitloads" and "lightning speed" are not legally binding terms and do not form the basis of an SLA



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