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An update!

The recent issue with the FBX plugin was actually mainly affecting in-editor play, meaning that I couldn't really work on anything surrounding FBX imports until it was fixed. While I waited I decided to work on shiny shinies and added sweat to HD-chan's skin shader. Really "sweat" doesn't quite cut it, as you can get her really fucking wet. It kind of makes my eyes water looking at it, which I take as a positive sign. The new lighting-aware shader also affects how the skin looks even when not drenched (mostly noticeable on darker tones).

In other visual news, I changed how post-processing is handled. Unreal engine really really wants you to make BROWN N BLOOM first person shooters with it, so it actually takes quite a lot of effort to make your game NOT look like an overproduced triple-A title. Previously I was using kind of a hacky solution that made things end up looking a bit dull. I've now managed to wrestle the proper post-processing stack into not fucking everything up and now things look, IMO, nicer. There's even a little bit of bloom in there, in case I get asked to put HYPERDEEP on Xbox or something.

I added some extra customization options for HD-chan's boobs. Her default boobs are crafted to my own vision of ambrosia, but I don't want to impose that taste on all of you.

I also finally went through the project and deleted all the old versions of the skin shaders and other assorted shit. Turns out that the final filesize of the last build was mostly that assorted shit! Now that I've removed it the game download is much smaller.

This update has again centered around visual improvements and more technical background stuff, and for that I apologize. I know that several of you have come forward with specific feature requests relating to more mechanical aspects, and I hope you'll trust me when I say that they are still lodged firmly at the forefront of my mind. Now that this big bug has been crushed I can hopefully focus on expanding the game's activities a bit.

Behind the scenes I've changed the way FBX addons get imported a bit to make it as easy as possible for people to enjoy doing. I'll put out a new and improved template model and tutorial soon to encourage you all to get crafty.

P.S. The key to get to the freecam is 0 on the number row. I didn't put this in the controls list last time.



+ Broken FBX importing fixed
+ New controls for addon creation menu


+ New dynamic lighting material for skin (switch between complex and simple lighting in the options menu in-game)
+ Post-processing changed
+ Ass physics tweaked, less jitter, more pleasing motion


+ Boob details: perkiness, shape, angle
+ New clothing: leotard (categorized as a bra for now)
+ Adjustable outline weight


+ Cleaned up unused assets from project file, build is much smaller


HYPERDEEP 0_2_4ap.zip


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