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Live this Sunday at 3 pm eastern! He’s an undead ranger and skinchanger with an elk and ravens… and a mission. He saves Sam & Gilly and leads them to the Black Gate at the Nightfort so they can bring Bran and friends to him on the other side… because he cannot pass. He leads them far to the north and on the way he kills turncloak rangers, makes cannibals of them all, and calls himself “your monster, Brandon Stark”. He helps them fight off wights at the cave mouth where the Last Greenseer resides, but does not follow… because he cannot pass. He’s Coldhands - but who is Coldhands? We might not know his identity, but his very existence tells us a lot about the Old Gods, the Others and the Children.


The Curious Case of Coldhands

He’s an undead ranger and skinchanger with an elk and ravens… and a mission. He saves Sam & Gilly and leads them to the Black Gate at the Nightfort so they can bring Bran and friends to him on the other side… because he cannot pass. He leads them far to the north and on the way he kills turncloak rangers, makes cannibals of them all, and calls himself “your monster, Brandon Stark”. He helps them fight off wights at the cave mouth where the Last Greenseer resides, but does not follow… because he cannot pass. He’s Coldhands - but who is Coldhands? We might not know his identity, but his very existence tells us a lot about the Old Gods, the Others and the Children. Go to https://magicmind.com/westeros and get up to 56% off your subscription for the next 10 days with code WESTEROS20. Support Westeros History: https://bit.ly/howpatreon Subscribe for more Westeros History: http://bit.ly/1ZOxPCc Shirts: https://historyofwesteros.threadless.com/ Twitch: https://twitch.tv/historyofwesteros The original 2D History of Westeros logo was designed by FoxAndBrambles: https://twitter.com/foxandbrambles Special thanks to Michael Klarfeld (Klaradox) for the maps: http://klaradox.de Follow Westeros History On: Website: http://www.historyofwesteros.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/westeroshistory Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westeroshistory Facebook Group: https://bit.ly/howfb Discord: https://bit.ly/howdiscord Playlists: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheHistoryofwesteros/playlists


Paul Ashton

I always thought Coldhands could have been one of the Ravens Teeth Archer's that fallowed Blood Raven to the wall. Coldhands serving Brendan Rivers as the Hand of the King, and The Three Eyed Raven