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We have just returned from Ice & Fire Con, where we met several of you! We were guests there, and stayed with one of the Con organizers. If you weren't able to make it, we hope you can come next year! The Con will be moving to Columbus, Ohio for 2018 and we will be there.

Please check our Facebook and Twitter pages for photos and videos! Also, feel free to add Aziz (Abishai Aziz Al-Doory) on Facebook so he can tag you in photos (if you so desire, we won't tag anyone who doesn't want it).

in other convention news, Con of Thrones is coming in just under 2 months and we're going to be among the featured guests there! Ashaya, Sean and Aziz are all going to be on panels and special events throughout the weekend. 

We would love to meet and hang out with as many of you as possible! (Here's a link to buy a ticket if you have not already: http://bit.ly/2pCPEZq )

And with regards to the update you're probably most interested in: episodes!

- Euron Greyjoy will be next, and we're going to have Poor Quentyn (Emmett Booth) as a guest.  It probably won't record for at least another week.  We apologize that this episode is not ready yet, we are admittedly behind schedule at the moment. Damn you, writers block... but thank Ice and Fire Con for getting me back on track!

- Shortly after that, we'll do another Q&A, where we'll also discuss some of the above conventions and recent episodes.

- Thanks to your participation in our poll, the next Aziz vs. Chapter will be on "The North Remembers" (Davos) which is one of the most popular chapters in the entire series, period. Hype!

- For patrons with votes, the next episode vote will be this month!

Thanks again everyone, we love you all and Valar Re-Readus!



I haven't been to Ice and Fire Con yet either, but I will definitely be attending in Columbus since it's 2.5 hours from my home base of Pittsburgh. And, I WILL be attending Con of Thrones. I'm looking forward to it! Anyone else staying at the Hyatt Opryland near the convention??

Rosie Gleeson

I wish I could go to any of these cons! We don't have them here