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A most mysterious but compelling character. A voracious reader who was highly intelligent, the most sought-after bachelorette of her era... and possibly a bit cruel. She could have married any man she wanted, but never did. We seek to answer or at least discuss: what kinds of magic did she practice? did she know about the prophecy of the Others? how did she feel about her brothers fighting the Blackfyre Rebellions? why did she remain single? what connections did she have to Lys? and what was her ultimate fate?



Diana Dunlap

Oh, the years I’ve waited for this episode…😏

Cat o'Vivas

As an obstetrician I'd like to comment on the question whether Shiera's mum could have chosen the name for her daughter although dying in childbed: Most maternal deaths in childbed occur after giving birth, not during, the most common cause being severe bleeding after the expulsion of the placenta. This can happen even hours after the birth of the baby. Childbed fever can start even several days later. So Shiera's mother could indeed have named the baby immediately after birth and then have died in the following hours.