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We welcome back Steven Attewell and discuss the 3rd and 4th Blackfyre Rebellions, the formation of the Golden Company, a whole mess of Blackfyres, and lots more Bittersteel!

Audio podcast mp3 is attached.


Blackfyre Rebellions: Part 6 - The Golden Company

w/Steven Attewell, featuring the 3rd and 4th Blackfyre Rebellions!


Painkiller Jane

The way you explain the Golden Company continued traditions makes me think that if Aegon is successful that the Golden Company could be translated as the King's standing army and ultimately become the precursor to a National Army.

History of Westeros

That's a great idea. They would all need to be rewarded, and some would expect to recover the lost lands of their ancestors. But the vast majority would not have lands to reclaim, and would need employment and income. We know it's a terrible idea to have mercenaries floating around aimless and purposeless. So Aegon VI would need to do something, and this is a natural fit.

Captain Marvel DMB MSc

M'lord, I saw that that your 2500 goal is almost reached, may I suggest the posting of a new goal for the channel, say $4,000 for the next level goal...You have almost reached 5 of 5 goals. Congrats.