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We will have a livestream every Sunday at 3 Eastern through January with three exceptions:

No episode 11/27 (We're traveling for Thanksgiving)
No episode 12/11 (We'll be at the GoT Con in Los Angeles)
No episode 1/8 (Ash will be at MAG Fest)

That means we WILL be streaming on Christmas Day & New Year's Day! :)

We will be posting polls to decide episode topics, with a few exceptions.

- Dance of the Dragons Part 5 starts recording on Friday

- The next Parallel Lives records today

- Ash and co are getting back to work on the TWOW Chapter Audio Recordings

- An episode w/Daniele Bolelli of History on Fire is tentatively planned for December

Feedback or questions? Post below!


Steve VanProoyen

I love the Winds chapter Audio Recordings!